TH14 Upgrade Priority (2024)

Once you have completed the checklist of upgrades at Town Hall 13 as mentioned in our “When is the right time to upgrade to TH14?” guide, you should be ready for the TH14 upgrade. This article will walk you through the best order for upgrading a TH14 so you can get the most value for your time at Town Hall 14.

The best way to upgrade a TH14

The right approach to upgrading a TH14 is by following the strategic rushing method. This way, you will quickly advance to TH15, which offers better value in terms of upgrades.

For TH14, the most important upgrades that provide the most value are offense upgrades, Builder’s Hut, and core defenses such as Giga Inferno and Eagle Artillery.

Here is a list of all high-priority upgrades:

  • Laboratory
  • Storage Buildings
  • Barracks
  • Blacksmith
  • Pet House
  • Clan Castle
  • Heroes
  • Giga Inferno
  • Builder’s Hut
  • Eagle Artillery
  • Scattershot
  • Inferno Tower

All other upgrades, including defenses, are less relevant and don’t provide a big boost at TH14, so it’s better to maintain them at their maximum level from the previous Town Hall (TH13).

Begin by assigning one builder to the Laboratory. If you have a Book of Building, this is the ideal building to upgrade. Use another builder to upgrade the Barracks to access Electro Titan, which is a great addition to your army and can be used in various army compositions.

The Blacksmith is another high-priority upgrade, so use the third builder to complete this upgrade. Once you have upgraded the Blacksmith to level 7, you unlock three new upgrades for common hero equipment, raising them to their maximum level of 18.

The fourth builder should be kept busy constructing and upgrading the Pet House. There are four pets to unlock in the Pet House, and these upgrades provide decent value to your offensive power because pets greatly complement the attacking abilities of heroes. Pets offer better value than upgrading the heroes themselves.

The fifth builder should be assigned to work on the Clan Castle, while the sixth builder should focus on upgrading the Dark Elixir Storage.

Heroes and managing the Dark Elixir

At TH14, a large amount of Dark Elixir is required due to the presence of three heroes that require DE (BK, AQ, RC) and four pets.

For dedicated farmers, it’s recommended to prioritize upgrading the Archer Queen and Royal Champion together, along with one pet in the Pet House. Since the Grand Warden requires Elixir for upgrades, he is relatively easier to upgrade alongside AQ and RC.

On the other hand, for players with limited game time, upgrading one Hero and its corresponding pet together is more feasible. For example, upgrading the Archer Queen and Unicorn together can decently increase offensive power. Once five upgrades are completed for these two, you can proceed to upgrade the RC and LASSI together, followed by BK and Mighty Yak, and finally, the Electro Owl.

Here are the recommended levels your pets and heroes should reach before upgrading to TH15:

  • Archer Queen and Barbarian King should be at level 75.
  • Royal Champion should be at level 25.
  • Grand Warden should be at level 50.
  • Pets should be at least level 5 each.

The right defenses to upgrade

In terms of defensive value, the best increase in the defensive power of your base comes from upgrading the Builder’s Hut. Each level 2 Builder’s Hut adds +80 damage per shot to your base, in addition to the repair per second they provide. With five Builder’s Huts, they contribute massively to the defensive value of your base.

Therefore, this should be the first upgrade you focus on, with at least two builders working on the Builder’s Hut. Keep in mind that upgrading the Builder’s Hut to level 3 is sufficient to extract the most value from them. The remaining upgrades can be postponed until TH15.

The second most valuable upgrade at TH14 in terms of defense is the Giga Inferno. It has a massive impact on the defense of your base with the four upgrade levels.

Other important defenses that should be upgraded at TH14 before transitioning to TH15 include the Scattershots, Eagle Artillery, and Inferno Towers.

However, the usual defense buildings such as the Archer Towers and Cannons can be disregarded and should be maintained at the maximum level they had at TH13.


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TH14 Upgrade Priority (2024)


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