Sonography - FH Campus Wien (2024)

Table of Contents
Lehrveranstaltungsübersicht Abdominal Ultrasound Abdominal Pathologies, Clinical presentations and Reporting | ILV Abdominal Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports | UE Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications of Abdominal Ultrasound| VO Basics, State-of-the-Art Sonography and TQM Basics of Innovation and State-of-the-Art Technologies| ILV Ultrasound Physics and TQM Skills Lab| UE Ultrasound Physics, Clinical US Techniques and TQM| VO Obstetric Ultrasound Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications of Obstetric Ultrasound| VO Obstetric Pathologies, Clinical Presentations and Reporting | ILV Obstetric Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports | UE Vascular Ultrasound Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications of Vascular Ultrasound| VO Vascular Pathologies, Clinical Presentations and Reporting| ILV Vascular Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case reports| UE Echocardiography Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications Echocardiograpyh| VO Echocardiographic Pathologies, Clinical Presentations and Reporting| ILV Echocardiographic Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports| UE Musculoskeletal and Nerve Ultrasound Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications of upper & lower musculoskeletal Regions and Nerve Ultrasound| VO MSK & Nerve Pathologies, Clinical Presentations and Reporting | ILV MSK & Nerve Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports | UE Thyroid Gland and Neck Ultrasound Anatomy, Physiology, Clinical Applications of Thyroid Gland & Neck Ultrasound | VO Thyroid Gland & Neck Pathologies, Clinical Presentations and Reporting | ILV Thyroid Gland & Neck Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports | UE References

Sie sind Radiologietechnolog*in oder Humanmediziner*in und wollen sich akademisch weiterbilden. Die Spezialisierung im Bereich Sonographie ist Ihr nächstes berufliches Ziel. Es fasziniert Sie, die physikalischen Effekte der Sonographie so einzusetzen, dass diese Schnittbildinformationen einen wertvollen Beitrag in der Diagnostik oder dem Ausschluss von Erkrankungen dienen. Als zukünftige Expert*in möchten Sie Einblicke in die vielfältige Welt der Sonographie erhalten und auf Grund der unterschiedlichen Einsatzmöglichkeiten eine Vielzahl von Anwendungsbereichen erlernen. Diese sind unter anderem Untersuchungen diverser anatomischer Regionen z.B. Abdomen, Hals, Gefäßdiagnostik, Abklärung echokardiologischer Fragestellungen, pränatale Diagnostik sowie Muskel- und Nervensonographien mit real-time Darstellung von Bewegungsabläufen. Sie kommunizieren gerne mit Patient*innen und setzen sich mit deren Bedürfnissen auseinander. Als Teil des interdisziplinären Teams arbeiten Sie an der Schnittstelle zwischen Patient*in und Expert*innen unterschiedlicher Disziplinen. Ihre Motivation für die Lehrgangswahl ist die Aussicht, mit dieser hochwertigen Spezialisierung einen wertvollen Beitrag im Gesundheitsbereich zu leisten.

An der FH Campus Wien nutzen wir das Wissen unseres breit gefächerten Studienangebots und schaffen an den Schnittstellen der Disziplinen innovative Studienangebote. Wir nutzen die fachliche Expertise von Hauptberuflich Lehrenden und externen Spezialist*innen unterschiedlicher Fachrichtungen aus dem In- und Ausland und verschaffen Ihnen die Möglichkeit an High-End Geräten die erlernte Theorie in unserem Skills Lab anwendungsfokussiert umzusetzen. Ihr Lernprozess wird von erfahrenen Tutor*innen unterstützt und begleitet. Sonographisches Know-how der FH Campus Wien ist schon jetzt international gefragt. Interdisziplinäre Projekte sind Teil der Forschungsstrategie unserer Hochschule.

Ihre aus dem Lehrgang gewonnenen und wissenschaftlich abgesicherten Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten können Sie in Ihrer verantwortungsvollen Aufgabe in der Sonographie zum Wohle der Patient*innen umsetzen. Sie schließen den Akademischer Hochschullehrgang mit dem akademischen Titel Academic Expert in Sonography ab.

Dem tatsächlichen Bedarf an Expert*innen der Sonographie hinkt das derzeit am Markt befindliche Aus- und Fortbildungsangebot noch weit hinterher. Das haben wir an der FH Campus Wien zum Anlass genommen, um unsere fachliche Expertise gemeinsam mit Forscher*innen, Lehrenden und Praktiker*innen aus dem intra- und extramuralen Bereich der Sonographie dem Aufbau eines Akademischen Hochschullehrgangszu widmen. Diese Zusammenarbeit lieferte wertvollen Input, um ein den aktuellen Anforderungen entsprechendes Curriculum zu entwickeln.

Internationale Trends und Visionen im Gesundheitswesen sind aktuelle Themen im Lehrgang. Sie geben Impulse für zukünftige Entwicklungen und Arbeitsbereiche und können die klinische Routine im Rahmen des Lehrganges sowohl im In- als auch im Ausland absolvieren.

Die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Privatleben ist uns wichtig und spiegelt sich in den Blockterminen wieder. Anders als mit einzelnen Fortbildungen profitieren Sie an der FH Campus Wien von einer umfassenden Weiterbildung mit international anerkanntem, akademischem Abschluss. Des Weiteren stärken Sie Ihre Expertise in Ihrem persönlichen Fachbereich. Im Rahmen des Lehrgangs können Sie sich durch diese Spezialisierung einen zusätzlichen Wettbewerbsvorteil verschaffen.


Modul Abdominal Ultrasound

Abdominal Ultrasound



  • Students can recognize and identify normal sonographic appearances and normal variants of organs and structures of abdominal cavity

  • Students are able to independently create, document and analyze ultrasound images with relevant pathologies according to national and international guidelines, considering all artifacts and interactions of ultrasound with human tissue and relating necessary parameter changes and interpretations of the effects

  • Students can correctly interpret other common tests, normal measurements and laboratory values associated with each organ region and their relation to the sonographic examination

  • Students are able to perform the initial interpretation using checklists as first step of systematic analysis for reporting in the interprofessional/intraprofessional/multiprofessional ultrasound team

  • Students are familiar with and are able to use technical developments and new areas of application in ultrasound in relation to specific indications

  • The students use independently, actively and indication-related all available ultrasound techniques during the examination

  • Students can name and use materials for the examination in a manner appropriate to the subject, indication and patient

  • Students can carry out all phases of the sonographic diagnostic process in the clinical field of abdominal sonography in a patient-centred and evidence-based manner in practice in accordance with currently recognised international and national standards. They analyse, interpret and evaluate the steps of the sonographic process and reflect on their diagnostic practice.


: The module examination in the modules concerning organ areas consists of

a) 80 completed sonographic examinations (case studies) from the respective organ areas, including the respective vidated checklists per sonographic examination. Depending on availability, 30 or a combination of both can be carried out on respondents or at the simulator. The vidification is carried out by the lecturer/tutor.

b) Based on a case study: processing of a sonographic question with subsequent expert discussion and analysis



Abdominal Pathologies, Clinical presentations and Reporting | ILV

Abdominal Pathologies, Clinical presentations and Reporting | ILV



* Pathology of the abdominal region, integrate knowledge about ethiology, incidence, laboratory testing, sonographic presentation, differential diagnosis

* Ultrasound examination (image) analysis including CEUS, doppler techniques and FAST for abdominal examination

* Creating a and working with Checklist for initial interpretation - systematic analysis for reporting in the interprofessional team


  • Students are able to identify and describe abnormal sonographic appearances of organs, structures of the organs as well as structures of the abdominal cavity in the upper and lower abdominal region including the retroperitoneal region

  • Students are able to use the materials for the examination or treatment in a manner appropriate to the subject, indication and patient, apply them independently and justify their use with regard to ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable)

  • Students are able to assess the sonographic appropriateness of the assigned examination on the basis of their knowledge of indications/contraindications and, if necessary, consult with the referring physician and request missing information relevant to the examination

  • Students are able to apply the required standard settings according to national and international guidelines in the organ region that are indispensable for diagnostic findings and documentation, they can name them and demonstrate the necessary examination steps in a simulated clinical environment

  • Students create checklists suitable for routine use, which can be used as a basis for a systematic analysis of the examination results and the results of which are useful for the diagnosis in the interprofessional ultrasound team


* Lecture and integrated course

Presenting and activating form (Groupwork and Discussions)




- Banholzer J., Banholzer P.; BASICS Sonography, Elsevier Urban und Fischer München, 3rd Edition, 2018

- Hoskins P., Martin K., Thrush A.; Diagnostic Ultrasound - Physics and Equipment, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, 2010

- Goyal S.; Essentials of abdominal-pelvic sonography: a handbook for practitioniers, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018

- Block B.; Color Atlas of Ultrasound Anatomy, Georg Thieme Verlag, 3rd Edition, 2020





Abdominal Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports | UE

Abdominal Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports | UE



* Skills lab training in performing abdominal ultrasound examinations according to national and international guidelines and benchmarks

* Influence/Usageof imaging artefacts

* Usage/Interpretation of dopplertechniques and FAST

* Patient-care and reflection of patient interaction

* Case review and discussion


  • Students can define, explain and put into practice their knowledge about the medical-physical basics. They are familiar with all the necessary ultrasound techniques and can apply them in a practice-oriented environment in accordance with the indications

  • Students can carry out the required / assigned ultrasound examinations independently on the basis of national and international guidelines

  • Students can interpret and question patient-examination assignments and, if necessary, adapt them in consultation with the interprofessional and multiprofessional team for specific indications

  • Students use all necessary equipment components and examination materials of the required examination type and indication

  • Students are able to use checklists to systematically analyse the documentation of the examination results and to write (document) them in such a way that they are useful for reporting in a multi-professional team

  • Students are able to work in different clinical contexts by using multi-professional expertise.


* Skills lab training




- Banholzer J., Banholzer P.; BASICS Sonography, Elsevier Urban und Fischer München, 3rd Edition, 2018

- Goyal S.; Essentials of abdominal-pelvic sonography: a handbook for practitioniers, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018

- Block B.; Color Atlas of Ultrasound Anatomy, Georg Thieme Verlag, 3rd Edition, 2020





Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications of Abdominal Ultrasound| VO

Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications of Abdominal Ultrasound| VO



* Overview normal sonographic appearance and normal variants of organs and structures of abdominal cavity

* Ultrasound techniques for abdominal examination including FAST

* Clinical application of Sonography in abdominal region based on national and international Guidelines and benchmarks include CEUS (standardized scan techniques)

* Anatomy, physiology and laboratory values associated with abdominal region


  • Students are able to identify and describe normal sonographic appearance of organs and structures of abdominal cavity - upper and lower abdominal region including retroperitoneal region

  • Students are able to describe sonographic applications and normal variants of specific organs and structures within abdominal cavity and are familiar with the usage of CEUS

  • Students are able to use all available sonographic techniques for specific indications and select the parameters accordingly

  • Students can interpret medical referrals and other available preliminary findings (e.g. laboratory test results, other imaging procedures) in an indication-related manner


* Lecture




- Banholzer J., Banholzer P.; BASICS Sonography, Elsevier Urban und Fischer München, 3rd Edition, 2018

- Hoskins P., Martin K., Thrush A.; Diagnostic Ultrasound - Physics and Equipment, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, 2010

- Goyal S.; Essentials of abdominal-pelvic sonography: a handbook for practitioniers, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018

- Block B.; Color Atlas of Ultrasound Anatomy, Georg Thieme Verlag, 3rd Edition, 2020





Modul Basics, State-of-the-Art Sonography and TQM

Basics, State-of-the-Art Sonography and TQM



  • Students are able to mention and describe the physical principles of medical ultrasound based on Bachelor´s degree

  • Students are able to describe and apply ultrasound in diagnostics. Students are able to demonstrate how it is generated and display the interaction with human tissues. Students are familiar with State-of-the-art techniques, upcoming technical developments and equipment as well as contrast-enhanced Ultrasound

  • Students are able to use instrumentation to transmit, receive and present the echo information and application of these to the practice of Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound in correct manner

  • Students are able to safely usage of Contrast media during contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS)

  • Students can carry out technical quality management independently


: The basic module concludes with a practical examination at the end of the module. This covers the use and testing of the total ultrasound equipment and simulator available at the FH Campus Wien with regard to TQM (Technical Quality Management).



Basics of Innovation and State-of-the-Art Technologies| ILV

Basics of Innovation and State-of-the-Art Technologies| ILV



* Based on Bachelor´s degree knowledge ofphysical principles of medical ultrasound in diagnostic and the interaction with human tissues

* Correct usage of transducers, presenting and receiving the echo

* Patient-safety, the safe usage of Contrast media in case of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS),technical quality management

* State-of-the-art examination techniques and equipment.


  • Students are able to name and describe the latest technological developments

  • Students are able to adapt the technical parameters in ultrasound to different examination situations in the interest of patient safety

  • Students are able to handle contrast media in case of contrast-enhanced ultrasound

  • Students are able to mention and describe technical quality management in diagnostic ultrasound


* Lecture and integrated course

Presenting and activating form (Groupwork and Discussions)




- Hoskins P., Martin K., Thrush A.; Diagnostic Ultrasound - Physics and Equipment, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, 2010

- Dolezal L., Kollmann C.; Patient - Ultrasound Interaction, latest developments and efforts in medical ultrasound safety topics and bio-effects research, published by Plalacky University, Olomouc, 1st Edition, 2012

- Kirk Shung K.; Diagnostic ultrasound - Imaging and Blood Flow Measurements, CRC Press, 2nd Edition, 2017

- Szabo TL.; Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging: Inside Out, Elsevier Academic Press, 2nd Edition, 2013



0.5 SWS


Ultrasound Physics and TQM Skills Lab| UE

Ultrasound Physics and TQM Skills Lab| UE



* The correct usage of transducers, presenting and receiving the echo.

* Practical training in technical quality management andstate-of-the-art examination techniques and equipment.


  • Students are able to use transducers, presenting and receiving the ultrasound echo, correct

  • Students are able to implement and can describe technical quality management in daily routine

  • Students can perform state-of-the-art examination techniques and are familiar with safe equipment usage


* Skills lab training




- Hoskins P., Martin K., Thrush A.; Diagnostic Ultrasound - Physics and Equipment, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, 2010

- Kirk Shung K.; Diagnostic ultrasound - Imaging and Blood Flow Measurements, CRC Press, 2nd Edition, 2017



0.5 SWS


Ultrasound Physics, Clinical US Techniques and TQM| VO

Ultrasound Physics, Clinical US Techniques and TQM| VO



* Based on Bachelor´s degree knowledge ofphysical principles of medical ultrasound in diagnostic and the interaction with human tissues

* The correct usage of transducers, presenting and receiving the echo

* Patient-safety, the safe usage of Contrast media in case of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CUES), training in technical quality management

* State-of-the-art examination techniques and equipment.


  • Students are able to mention and describe the physical principles of medical ultrasound based on Bachelor´s degree (A-Mode, B-Mode, M-Mode, Doppler-techniques, Elastography, Artefacts, interaction with human tissue)

  • Students are able to describe bio-effects of ultrasound usage on human tissue and know solution approaches

  • Students are able to safely usage of Contrast media during contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS)

  • Students are able to describe the procedure of technical qality management (TQM)






- Dolezal L., Kollmann C.; Patient - Ultrasound Interaction, latest developments and efforts in medical ultrasound safety topics and bio-effects research, published by Plalacky University, Olomouc, 1st Edition, 2012

- Kirk Shung K.; Diagnostic ultrasound - Imaging and Blood Flow Measurements, CRC Press, 2nd Edition, 2017

- Szabo TL.; Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging: Inside Out, Elsevier Academic Press, 2nd Edition, 2013

- Hoskins P., Martin K., Trush A.; Diagnostics Ultrasound - Physics and Equipment, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, 2010





Modul Obstetric Ultrasound

Obstetric Ultrasound



  • Students can recognize and identify normal sonographic appearances and normal variants of gynaecological and fetal organs and structures

  • Students are able to independently create, document and analyze ultrasound images with relevant pathologies according to national and international guidelines, considering all artifacts and interactions of ultrasound with human tissue and relating necessary parameter changes and interpretations of the effects

  • Students can correctly interpret other common tests, normal measurements and laboratory values associated with each organ region and their relation to the sonographic examination

  • Students are able to perform the initial interpretation using checklists as first step of systematic analysis for reporting in the interprofessional/intraprofessional/multiprofessional ultrasound team

  • Students are familiar with and are able to use technical developments and new areas of application in ultrasound in relation to specific indications

  • The students use independently, actively and indication-related all available ultrasound techniques during the examination

  • Students can name and use materials for the examination in a manner appropriate to the subject, indication and patient

  • Students can carry out all phases of the sonographic diagnostic process in the clinical field of obstetrics sonography in a patient-centred and evidence-based manner in practice in accordance with currently recognised international and national standards. They analyse, interpret and evaluate the steps of the sonographic process and reflect on their diagnostic practice.


: The module examination in the modules concerning organ areas consists of

a) 40 completed sonographic examinations (case studies) from the respective organ areas, including the respective vidated checklists per sonographic examination. The "Fetal Medicine Education“: Theoretical course of „The 11-13 weeks scan" certificate has to be submitted. Depending on availability, 20 or a combination of both can be carried out on respondents or at the simulator. The vidification is carried out by the lecturer/tutor.

b) Based on a case study: processing of a sonographic question with subsequent expert discussion and analysis



Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications of Obstetric Ultrasound| VO

Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications of Obstetric Ultrasound| VO

0.5 SWS1.5 ECTS


* Overview normal sonographic appearance and normal variants of organs and structures in obstetrics ultrasound examination

* Ultrasound techniques for obstetrics ultrasoundexamination

* Clinical application of Sonography inobstetricultrasoundbased on national and international Guidelines and benchmarks(standardized scan techniques)

* Anatomy, physiology and laboratory values associated with obstetrics ultrasound


  • Students are able to identify and describe normal sonographic appearances of organs and structures of the female genitourinary systen in non-gravid state and the normal first, second and third trimester in gravid state

  • Students are able to describe sonographic applications and normal variants of specific organs and structures in non-gravid state and the normal first, second and third trimester in gravid state

  • Students are able to use all available sonographic techniques for specific indications and select the parameters accordingly

  • Students can interpret medical referrals and other available preliminary findings (e.g. laboratory test results, other imaging procedures) in an indication-related manner


* Lecture




- Chudleigh T., Smith A., Cumming S.; Obstetric and Gynaecological Ultrasound - How, Why and When, Elsevier, 4th Edition, 2016

- Merz E.; Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Georg Thieme Verlag, 2nd Edition, 2013

- Copel J., et al.; Obstetric Imaging: Fetal Diagnosis and Care, Elsevier, 2nd Edition, 2017



0.5 SWS

1.5 ECTS

Obstetric Pathologies, Clinical Presentations and Reporting | ILV

Obstetric Pathologies, Clinical Presentations and Reporting | ILV

0.5 SWS1.5 ECTS


* Pathology in obstetric examination, integrate knowledge about ethiology, incidence, laboratory testing, sonographic presentation, differential diagnosis

* Ultrasound examination (image) analysis including doppler techniques

* Working with Checklist for initial interpretation - systematic analysis for reporting in the interprofessional team

* Fetal Medicine Foundation Certificate: The 11 to 13 weeks scan


  • Students are able to identity and describe abnormal sonographic appearance of organs and structures of the female genitourinary systen in non-gravid state and the first, second and third trimester in gravid state

  • Students use the materials for the examination or treatment in a manner appropriate to the subject, indication and patient, apply them independently and justify their use with regard to ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable)

  • Students are able to assess the sonographic appropriateness of the assigned examination on the basis of their knowledge of indications/contraindications and, if necessary, consult with the referring physician and request missing information relevant to the examination

  • Students demonstrate wich standard settings according to national and international guidelines in the organ region are indispensable for diagnostic findings and documentation, they can name them and demonstrate the necessary examination steps in a simulated clinical environment

  • Students create checklists suitable for routine use, which can be used as a basis for a systematic analysis of the examination results and the results of which are useful for the diagnosis in the interprofessional ultrasound team


* Lecture and integrated course

Presenting and activating form (Groupwork and Discussions)




- Chudleigh T., Smith A., Cumming S.; Obstetric and Gynaecological Ultrasound - How, Why and When, Elsevier, 4th Edition, 2016

- Merz E.; Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Georg Thieme Verlag, 2nd Edition, 2013

- Copel J., et al.; Obstetric Imaging: Fetal Diagnosis and Care, Elsevier, 2nd Edition, 2017



0.5 SWS

1.5 ECTS

Obstetric Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports | UE

Obstetric Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports | UE



* Skills lab training in performing obstertic ultrasound examinations according to national and international guidelines and benchmarks

* Influence/Usageof imaging artefacts

* Usage/Interpretation of dopplertechniques

* Patient-care and reflection of patient interaction

* Case review and discussion


  • Students can define, explain and put into practice the knowledge about the medical-physical basics. They are familiar with all the necessary ultrasound techniques and can apply them in a practice-oriented environment in accordance with the indications

  • Students can carry out the required / assigned ultrasound examinations independently on the basis of national and international guidelines

  • Students can interpret and question patient-examination assignments and, if necessary, adapt them in consultation with the interprofessional and multiprofessional team for specific indications

  • Students use all necessary equipment components and examination materials of the required examination type and indication

  • Students are able to use checklists to systematically analyse the documentation of the examination results and to write (document) them in such a way that they are useful for reporting in a multi-professional team

  • Students are able to work in different clinical contexts by using multi-professional expertise.


* Skills lab training




- Chudleigh T., Smith A., Cumming S.; Obstetric and Gynaecological Ultrasound - How, Why and When, Elsevier, 4th Edition, 2016

- Merz E.; Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Georg Thieme Verlag, 2nd Edition, 2013

- Copel J., et al.; Obstetric Imaging: Fetal Diagnosis and Care, Elsevier, 2nd Edition, 2017





Modul Vascular Ultrasound

Vascular Ultrasound



  • Students can recognize and identify normal sonographic appearances and normal variants of organs and structures

  • Students are able to independently create, document and analyze ultrasound images with relevant pathologies according to national and international guidelines, considering all artifacts and interactions of ultrasound with human tissue and relating necessary parameter changes and interpretations of the effects

  • Students can correctly interpret other common tests, normal measurements and laboratory values associated with each organ region and their relation to the sonographic examination

  • Students are able to perform the initial interpretation using checklists as first step of systematic analysis for reporting in the interprofessional/intraprofessional/multiprofessional ultrasound team

  • Students are familiar with and are able to use technical developments and new areas of application in ultrasound in relation to specific indications

  • The students use independently, actively and indication-related all available ultrasound techniques during the examination

  • Students can name and use materials for the examination in a manner appropriate to the subject, indication and patient

  • Students can carry out all phases of the sonographic diagnostic process in the clinical field of vascular sonography in a patient-centred and evidence-based manner in practice in accordance with currently recognised international and national standards. They analyse, interpret and evaluate the steps of the sonographic process and reflect on their diagnostic practice.


: The module examination in the modules concerning organ areas consists of

a) 80 completed sonographic examinations (case studies) from the respective organ areas, including the respective vidated checklists per sonographic examination. Depending on availability, 30 or a combination of both can be carried out on respondents or at the simulator. The vidification is carried out by the lecturer/tutor. form of examination.

b) Based on a case study: processing of a sonographic question with subsequent expert discussion and analysis



Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications of Vascular Ultrasound| VO

Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications of Vascular Ultrasound| VO



* Arterial/venous vascular system of head, upper and lower extremities

* Overview of normal sonographic appearance and normal variants of organs and structures in vascularultrasound examination

* Ultrasound techniques for vascular ultrasoundexamination

* Clinical application of Sonography invascular ultrasoundbased on national and international Guidelines and benchmarks(standardized scan techniques)

* Anatomy, physiology and laboratory values associated with vascular ultrasound


  • Students are able to identify and describe normal sonographic appearance of organs and structures of the vascular system

  • Students are able to describe sonographic application and normal variants of specific organs and structures within vascular system and are familiar with usage of CEUS

  • Students are able to use all available sonographic techniques for specific indications and select the parameters accordingly

  • Students can interpret medical referrals and other available preliminary findings (e.g. laboratory test results, other imaging procedures) in an indication-related manner


* Lecture




- Tempkin B; Sonography Scanning - Principles and Protocols, Elsevier Health Sciences, London, 4th Edition, 2014

- Block B.; Color Atlas of Ultrasound Anatomy, Georg Thieme Verlag, 3rd Edition, 2020

- Banholzer J., Banholzer P.; BASICS Sonographie, Elsevier Urban und Fischer München, 3rd Edition, 2018

- Szabo TL.; Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging: Inside Out, Elsevier Academic Press, 2nd Edition, 2013

- Hoskins P., Martin K., Thrush A.; Diagnostic Ultrasound - Physics and Equipment, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, 2010

- Kendoll R.; A Guide to the vascula System - Workbook for diagnostic medical Sonography, Wolters Kluwer, 2nd Edition, 2017





Vascular Pathologies, Clinical Presentations and Reporting| ILV

Vascular Pathologies, Clinical Presentations and Reporting| ILV



* Pathology in vascular ultrasound examination, integrate knowledge about ethiology, incidence, laboratory testing, sonographic presentation, differential diagnosis

* Ultrasound examination (image) analysis including doppler techniques

* Working with Checklist for initial interpretation - systematic analysis for reporting in the interprofessional team


  • Students are able to identity and describe abnormal sonographic appearances of organs and structures of the vascular system

  • Students use the materials for the examination or treatment in a manner appropriate to the subject, indication and patient, apply them independently and justify their use with regard to ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable)

  • Students are able to assess the sonographic appropriateness of the assigned examination on the basis of their knowledge of indications/contraindications and, if necessary, consult with the referring physician and request missing information relevant to the examination

  • Students demonstrate wich standard settings according to national and international guidelines in the organ region are indispensable for diagnostic findings and documentation, they can name them and demonstrate the necessary examination steps in a simulated clinical environment

  • Students create checklists suitable for routine use, which can be used as a basis for a systematic analysis of the examination results and the results of which are useful for the diagnosis in the interprofessional ultrasound team


* Lecture and integrated course




- Tempkin B; Sonography Scanning - Principles and Protocols, Elsevier Health Sciences, London, 4th Edition, 2014

- Block B.; Color Atlas of Ultrasound Anatomy, Georg Thieme Verlag, 3rd Edition, 2020

- Banholzer J., Banholzer P.; BASICS Sonographie, Elsevier Urban und Fischer München, 3rd Edition, 2018

- Szabo TL.; Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging: Inside Out, Elsevier Academic Press, 2nd Edition, 2013

- Hoskins P., Martin K., Thrush A.; Diagnostic Ultrasound - Physics and Equipment, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, 2010

- Kendoll R.; A Guide to the vascula System - Workbook for diagnostic medical Sonography, Wolters Kluwer, 2nd Edition, 2017





Vascular Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case reports| UE

Vascular Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case reports| UE



* Skills lab training in performing vascular ultrasound examinations according to national and international guidelines and benchmarks

* Influence/Usageof imaging artefacts

* Usage/Interpretation of dopplertechniques

* Fetal Medicine Foundation Certificate: The 11 to 13 weeks scan

* Patient-care and reflection of patient interaction

* Case review and discussion


  • Students can define, explain and put into practice the knowledge about the medical-physical basics. They are familiar with all the necessary ultrasound techniques and can apply them in a practice-oriented environment in accordance with the indications

  • Students can carry out the required / assigned ultrasound examinations independently on the basis of national and international guidelines

  • Students can interpret and question patient-examination assignments and, if necessary, adapt them in consultation with the interprofessional and multiprofessional team for specific indications

  • Students use all necessary equipment components and examination materials of the required examination type and indication

  • Students are able to use checklists to systematically analyse the documentation of the examination results and to write (document) them in such a way that they are useful for reporting in a multi-professional team

  • Students are able to work in different clinical contexts by using multi-professional expertise.


* Skills lab training




- Tempkin B; Sonography Scanning - Principles and Protocols, Elsevier Health Sciences, London, 4th Edition, 2014

- Block B.; Color Atlas of Ultrasound Anatomy, Georg Thieme Verlag, 3rd Edition, 2020

- Banholzer J., Banholzer P.; BASICS Sonographie, Elsevier Urban und Fischer München, 3rd Edition, 2018

- Szabo TL.; Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging: Inside Out, Elsevier Academic Press, 2nd Edition, 2013

- Hoskins P., Martin K., Thrush A.; Diagnostic Ultrasound - Physics and Equipment, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, 2010

- Kendoll R.; A Guide to the vascula System - Workbook for diagnostic medical Sonography, Wolters Kluwer, 2nd Edition, 2017





Modul Echocardiography




  • Students can recognize and identify normal sonographic appearances and normal variants of organs and structures

  • Students are able to independently create, document and analyze ultrasound images with relevant pathologies according to national and international guidelines, considering all artifacts and interactions of ultrasound with human tissue and relating necessary parameter changes and interpretations of the effects

  • Students can correctly interpret other common tests, normal measurements and laboratory values associated with each organ region and their relation to the sonographic examination

  • Students are able to perform the initial interpretation using checklists as first step of systematic analysis for reporting in the interprofessional/intraprofessional/multiprofessional ultrasound team

  • Students are familiar with and are able to use technical developments and new areas of application in ultrasound in relation to specific indications

  • The students use independently, actively and indication-related all available ultrasound techniques during the examination

  • Students can name and use materials for the examination in a manner appropriate to the subject, indication and patient

  • Students can carry out all phases of the sonographic diagnostic process in the clinical field of echocardiography in a patient-centred and evidence-based manner in practice in accordance with currently recognised international and national standards. They analyse, interpret and evaluate the steps of the sonographic process and reflect on their diagnostic practice.


: The module examination in the modules concerning organ areas consists of

a) 80 completed sonographic examinations (case studies) from the respective organ areas, including the respective vidated checklists per sonographic examination. Depending on availability, 30 or a combination of both can be carried out on respondents or at the simulator. The vidification is carried out by the lecturer/tutor. form of examination.

b) Based on a case study: processing of a sonographic question with subsequent expert discussion and analysis



Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications Echocardiograpyh| VO

Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications Echocardiograpyh| VO



* Overview of normal sonographic appearance and normal variants of organs and structures in echocardiographic examination

* Ultrasound techniques for echocardiographic examination

* Clinical application of Echocardiography based on national and international Guidelines and benchmarks(standardized scan techniques)

* Anatomy, physiology and laboratory values associated with echocardiography


  • Students are able to identify and describe normal sonographic appearance of organs and structures of the heart and associated vascular structures

  • Students are able to describe sonographic application and normal variants of specific organs and structures of the heart and associated vascular structures and are familiar with usage and indication for cardiac CEUS

  • Students are able to use all available sonographic techniques for specific indications and select the parameters accordingly

  • Students can interpret medical referrals and other available preliminary findings (e.g. laboratory test results, other imaging procedures) in an indication-related manner


* Lecture




- Hoskins P., Martin K., Thrush A.; Diagnostic Ultrasound - Physics and Equipment, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, 2010

- Lancellotti P., Cosyns B.; The EACVI Echo Handbook (The European Society of Cardiology Series), OUP Oxford; 1st Edition, 2015

- Kaddoura S.; Echo made easy, Churchhill Livingston Elsevier, 3rd Edition, 2016

- Wilkenshoff V., Kruck I.; Handbuch der Echokardiograpie, Georg Thieme Verlag, 6th Edition, 2017

- Lange V.; Basics Kardiologie, Elsevier Urban und Fischer, 5th Edition, 2019





Echocardiographic Pathologies, Clinical Presentations and Reporting| ILV

Echocardiographic Pathologies, Clinical Presentations and Reporting| ILV



* Pathology in echocardiographic examination, integrate knowledge about ethiology, incidence, laboratory testing, sonographic presentation, differential diagnosis

* Ultrasound examination (image) analysis including doppler techniques

* Working with Checklist for initial interpretation - systematic analysis for reporting in the interprofessional team


  • Students are able to identity and describe abnormal sonographic appearance of organs and structures of the of the heart and associated vascular structures

  • Students use the materials for the examination or treatment in a manner appropriate to the subject, indication and patient, apply them independently and justify their use with regard to ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable)

  • Students are able to assess the sonographic appropriateness of the assigned examination on the basis of their knowledge of indications/contraindications and, if necessary, consult with the referring physician and request missing information relevant to the examination

  • Students demonstrate wich standard settings according to national and international guidelines in the organ region are indispensable for diagnostic findings and documentation, they can name them and demonstrate the necessary examination steps in a simulated clinical environment

  • Students create checklists suitable for routine use, which can be used as a basis for a systematic analysis of the examination results and the results of which are useful for the diagnosis in the interprofessional ultrasound team


* Lecture and integrated course

Presenting and activating form (Groupwork and Discussions)




- Hoskins P., Martin K., Thrush A.; Diagnostic Ultrasound - Physics and Equipment, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, 2010

- Lancellotti P., Cosyns B.; The EACVI Echo Handbook (The European Society of Cardiology Series), OUP Oxford; 1st Edition, 2015

- Kaddoura S.; Echo made easy, Churchhill Livingston Elsevier, 3rd Edition, 2016





Echocardiographic Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports| UE

Echocardiographic Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports| UE



* Skills lab training in performing echocardiographic examinations according to national and international guidelines and benchmarks

* Influence/Usageof imaging artefacts

* Usage/Interpretation of dopplertechniques

* Patient-care and reflection of patient interaction

* Case review and discussion


  • Students can define, explain and put into practice the knowledge about the medical-physical basics. They are familiar with all the necessary ultrasound techniques and can apply them in a practice-oriented environment in accordance with the indications

  • Students can carry out the required / assigned ultrasound examinations independently on the basis of national and international guidelines

  • Students can interpret and question patient-examination assignments and, if necessary, adapt them in consultation with the interprofessional and multiprofessional team for specific indications

  • Students use all necessary equipment components and examination materials of the required examination type and indication

  • Students are able to use checklists to systematically analyse the documentation of the examination results and to write (document) them in such a way that they are useful for reporting in a multi-professional team

  • Students are able to work in different clinical contexts by using multi-professional expertise.


* Skills lab training




- Hoskins P., Martin K., Thrush A.; Diagnostic Ultrasound - Physics and Equipment, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, 2010

- Lancellotti P., Cosyns B.; The EACVI Echo Handbook (The European Society of Cardiology Series), OUP Oxford; 1st Edition, 2015

- Kaddoura S.; Echo made easy, Churchhill Livingston Elsevier, 3rd Edition, 2016





Modul Musculoskeletal and Nerve Ultrasound

Musculoskeletal and Nerve Ultrasound



  • Students can recognize and identify normal sonographic appearances and normal variants of organs and structures

  • Students are able to independently create, document and analyze ultrasound images with relevant pathologies according to national and international guidelines, considering all artifacts and interactions of ultrasound with human tissue and relating necessary parameter changes and interpretations of the effects

  • Students can correctly interpret other common tests, normal measurements and laboratory values associated with each organ region and their relation to the sonographic examination

  • Students are able to perform the initial interpretation using checklists as first step of systematic analysis for reporting in the interprofessional/intraprofessional/multiprofessional ultrasound team

  • Students are familiar with and are able to use technical developments and new areas of application in ultrasound in relation to specific indications

  • The students use independently, actively and indication-related all available ultrasound techniques during the examination

  • Students can name and use materials for the examination in a manner appropriate to the subject, indication and patient

  • Students can carry out all phases of the sonographic diagnostic process in the clinical field of MSK an nerve sonography in a patient-centred and evidence-based manner in practice in accordance with currently recognised international and national standards. They analyse, interpret and evaluate the steps of the sonographic process and reflect on their diagnostic practice.


: The module examination in the modules concerning organ areas consists of

a) 80 completed sonographic examinations (case studies) from the respective organ areas, including the respective vidated checklists per sonographic examination. Depending on availability, 30 or a combination of both can be carried out on respondents or at the simulator. The vidification is carried out by the lecturer/tutor. form of examination.

b) Based on a case study: processing of a sonographic question with subsequent expert discussion and analysis



Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications of upper & lower musculoskeletal Regions and Nerve Ultrasound| VO

Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Applications of upper & lower musculoskeletal Regions and Nerve Ultrasound| VO



* Overview of normal sonographic appearance and normal variants of structures in musculoskeletal and nerve ultrasound examination

* Ultrasound techniques formusculoskeletal and nerve ultrasound examination

* Clinical application ofmusculoskeletal and nerve ultrasound based on national and international Guidelines and benchmarks(standardized scan techniques)

* Anatomy, physiology and laboratory values associated with musculoskeletal and nerve ultrasound examination


  • Students are able to identify and describe normal sonographic appearance of organs and structures of the musculoskeletal and nervous system

  • Students are able to describe sonographic application and normal variants of specific organs and structures of the musculoskeletal and nervous system

  • Students are able to use all available sonographic techniques for specific indications and select the parameters accordingly

  • Students can interpret medical referrals and other available preliminary findings (e.g. laboratory test results, other imaging procedures) in an indication-related manner


* Lecture




- Griffith JF.; Diagnostic Ultrasound: Musculoskeletal, Elsevier LTD, Oxford, 2nd Edition, 2018

- Gaulrapp H, Binder C.; Grundkurs Sonografie der Bewegungsorgane, Aktualisierte Standardschnitte und Richtlinien entsprechend der DEGUM, Elsevier Urban und Fischer, München, 3rd Edition, 2018

- European Society of Musculosekeletal Radiolgogy, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Technical Guidelines Ankle, online Recourse

- European Society of Musculosekeletal Radiolgogy, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Technical Guidelines Elbow, online Recourse

- European Society of Musculosekeletal Radiolgogy, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Technical Guidelines Hip, online Recourse

- European Society of Musculosekeletal Radiolgogy, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Technical Guidelines Knee, online Recourse

- European Society of Musculosekeletal Radiolgogy, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Technical Guidelines Shoulder, online Recourse

- European Society of Musculosekeletal Radiolgogy, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Technical Guidelines Wrist, online Recourse





MSK & Nerve Pathologies, Clinical Presentations and Reporting | ILV

MSK & Nerve Pathologies, Clinical Presentations and Reporting | ILV



* Pathology in echocardiographic examination, integrate knowledge about ethiology, incidence, laboratory testing, sonographic presentation, differential diagnosis

* Ultrasound examination (image) analysis including doppler techniques

* Working with Checklist for initial interpretation - systematic analysis for reporting in the interprofessional team


  • Students are able to identity and describe abnormal sonographic appearance of organs and structures of the musculoskeletal and nervous system

  • Students use the materials for the examination or treatment in a manner appropriate to the subject, indication and patient, apply them independently and justify their use with regard to ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable)

  • Students are able to assess the sonographic appropriateness of the assigned examination on the basis of their knowledge of indications/contraindications and, if necessary, consult with the referring physician and request missing information relevant to the examination

  • Students demonstrate wich standard settings according to national and international guidelines in the organ region are indispensable for diagnostic findings and documentation, they can name them and demonstrate the necessary examination steps in a simulated clinical environment

  • Students create checklists suitable for routine use, which can be used as a basis for a systematic analysis of the examination results and the results of which are useful for the diagnosis in the interprofessional ultrasound team


* Lecture and integrated course

Presenting and activating form (Groupwork and Discussions)




- Griffith JF.; Diagnostic Ultrasound: Musculoskeletal, Elsevier LTD, Oxford, 2nd Edition, 2018

- Gaulrapp H, Binder C.; Grundkurs Sonografie der Bewegungsorgane, Aktualisierte Standardschnitte und Richtlinien entsprechend der DEGUM, Elsevier Urban und Fischer, München, 3rd Edition, 2018

- European Society of Musculosekeletal Radiolgogy, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Technical Guidelines Ankle, online Recourse

- European Society of Musculosekeletal Radiolgogy, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Technical Guidelines Elbow, online Recourse

- European Society of Musculosekeletal Radiolgogy, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Technical Guidelines Hip, online Recourse

- European Society of Musculosekeletal Radiolgogy, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Technical Guidelines Knee, online Recourse

- European Society of Musculosekeletal Radiolgogy, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Technical Guidelines Shoulder, online Recourse

- European Society of Musculosekeletal Radiolgogy, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Technical Guidelines Wrist, online Recourse





MSK & Nerve Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports | UE

MSK & Nerve Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports | UE



* Skills lab training in performing musculoskeletal and nerves ultrasound examinations according to national and international guidelines and benchmarks

* Influence/Usageof imaging artefacts

* Usage/Interpretation of dopplertechniques

* Patient-care and reflection of patient interaction

* Case review and discussion


  • Students can define, explain and put into practice the knowledge about the medical-physical basics. They are familiar with all the necessary ultrasound techniques and can apply them in a practice-oriented environment in accordance with the indications

  • Students can carry out the required / assigned ultrasound examinations independently on the basis of national and international guidelines

  • Students can interpret and question patient-examination assignments and, if necessary, adapt them in consultation with the interprofessional and multiprofessional team for specific indications

  • Students use all necessary equipment components and examination materials of the required examination type and indication

  • Students are able to use checklists to systematically analyse the documentation of the examination results and to write (document) them in such a way that they are useful for reporting in a multi-professional team

  • Students are able to work in different clinical contexts by using multi-professional expertise.


* Skills lab training




- Griffith JF.; Diagnostic Ultrasound: Musculoskeletal, Elsevier LTD, Oxford, 2nd Edition, 2018

- Gaulrapp H, Binder C.; Grundkurs Sonografie der Bewegungsorgane, Aktualisierte Standardschnitte und Richtlinien entsprechend der DEGUM, Elsevier Urban und Fischer, München, 3rd Edition, 2018

- European Society of Musculosekeletal Radiolgogy, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Technical Guidelines Ankle, online Recourse

- European Society of Musculosekeletal Radiolgogy, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Technical Guidelines Elbow, online Recourse

- European Society of Musculosekeletal Radiolgogy, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Technical Guidelines Hip, online Recourse

- European Society of Musculosekeletal Radiolgogy, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Technical Guidelines Knee, online Recourse

- European Society of Musculosekeletal Radiolgogy, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Technical Guidelines Shoulder, online Recourse

- European Society of Musculosekeletal Radiolgogy, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Technical Guidelines Wrist, online Recourse





Modul Thyroid Gland and Neck Ultrasound

Thyroid Gland and Neck Ultrasound



  • Students can recognize and identify normal sonographic appearances and normal variants of organs and structures

  • Students are able to independently create, document and analyze ultrasound images with relevant pathologies according to national and international guidelines, considering all artifacts and interactions of ultrasound with human tissue and relating necessary parameter changes and interpretations of the effects

  • Students can correctly interpret other common tests, normal measurements and laboratory values associated with each organ region and their relation to the sonographic examination

  • Students are able to perform the initial interpretation using checklists as first step of systematic analysis for reporting in the interprofessional/intraprofessional/multiprofessional ultrasound team

  • Students are familiar with and are able to use technical developments and new areas of application in ultrasound in relation to specific indications

  • The students use independently, actively and indication-related all available ultrasound techniques during the examination

  • Students can name and use materials for the examination in a manner appropriate to the subject, indication and patient

  • Students can carry out all phases of the sonographic diagnostic process in the clinical field of thyroid gland and neck sonography in a patient-centred and evidence-based manner in practice in accordance with currently recognised international and national standards. They analyse, interpret and evaluate the steps of the sonographic process and reflect on their diagnostic practice.


: The module examination in the modules concerning organ areas consists of 80 completed sonographic examinations (case studies) from the respective organ areas, including the respective vidated checklists per sonographic examination. Depending on availability, 30 or a combination of both can be carried out on subjects or at the simulator. The vidification is carried out by the lecturer/tutor. All defined learning outcomes of the respective modules are thus incorporated into this form of examination.



Anatomy, Physiology, Clinical Applications of Thyroid Gland & Neck Ultrasound | VO

Anatomy, Physiology, Clinical Applications of Thyroid Gland & Neck Ultrasound | VO



* Overview of normal sonographic appearance and normal variants of organs and structures in thyroid gland and neck ultrasound examination

* Ultrasound techniques forthyroid gland and neck ultrasound examination

* Clinical application ofthyroid gland and neck ultrasound based on national and international Guidelines and benchmarks(standardized scan techniques)

* Anatomy, physiology and laboratory values associated withthyroid gland and neck ultrasound examination


  • Students are able to identify and describe normal sonographic appearance of organs and structures of thyroid gland and neck

  • Students are able to describe sonographic application and normal variants of specific organs and structuresof thyroid gland and neck and are familiar with usage of CEUS

  • Students are able to use all available sonographic techniques for specific indications and select the parameters accordingly

  • Students can interpret medical referrals and other available preliminary findings (e.g. laboratory test results, other imaging procedures) in an indication-related manner


* Lecture




- Tempkin B; Sonography Scanning - Principles and Protocols, Elsevier Health Sciences, London, 4th Edition, 2014

- Block B.; Color Atlas of Ultrasound Anatomy, Georg Thieme Verlag, 3rd Edition, 2020

- Banholzer J., Banholzer P.; BASICS Sonographie, Elsevier Urban und Fischer München, 3rd Edition, 2018





Thyroid Gland & Neck Pathologies, Clinical Presentations and Reporting | ILV

Thyroid Gland & Neck Pathologies, Clinical Presentations and Reporting | ILV



* Pathology in thyroid gland and neck examination, integrate knowledge about ethiology, incidence, laboratory testing, sonographic presentation, differential diagnosis

* Ultrasound examination (image) analysis including doppler techniques

* Working with Checklist for initial interpretation - systematic analysis for reporting in the interprofessional team


  • Students are able to identity and describe abnormal sonographic appearance of organs and structures of the thyroid gland and neck

  • Students use the materials for the examination or treatment in a manner appropriate to the subject, indication and patient, apply them independently and justify their use with regard to ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable)

  • Students are able to assess the sonographic appropriateness of the assigned examination on the basis of their knowledge of indications/contraindications and, if necessary, consult with the referring physician and request missing information relevant to the examination

  • Students demonstrate wich standard settings according to national and international guidelines in the organ region are indispensable for diagnostic findings and documentation, they can name them and demonstrate the necessary examination steps in a simulated clinical environment

  • Students create checklists suitable for routine use, which can be used as a basis for a systematic analysis of the examination results and the results of which are useful for the diagnosis in the interprofessional ultrasound team


* Lecture and integrated course

Presenting and activating form (Groupwork and Discussions)




- Tempkin B; Sonography Scanning - Principles and Protocols, Elsevier Health Sciences, London, 4th Edition, 2014

- Block B.; Color Atlas of Ultrasound Anatomy, Georg Thieme Verlag, 3rd Edition, 2020

- Banholzer J., Banholzer P.; BASICS Sonographie, Elsevier Urban und Fischer München, 3rd Edition, 2018





Thyroid Gland & Neck Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports | UE

Thyroid Gland & Neck Ultrasound Skills Lab, Reflection and Case Reports | UE



* Skills lab training in performing thyroid gland and neck ultrasound examinations according to national and international guidelines and benchmarks

* Influence/Usageof imaging artefacts

* Usage/Interpretation of dopplertechniques

* Patient-care and reflection of patient interaction

* Case review and discussion


  • Students can define, explain and put into practice the knowledge about the medical-physical basics. They are familiar with all the necessary ultrasound techniques and can apply them in a practice-oriented environment in accordance with the indications

  • Students can carry out the required / assigned ultrasound examinations independently on the basis of national and international guidelines

  • Students can interpret and question patient-examination assignments and, if necessary, adapt them in consultation with the interprofessional and multiprofessional team for specific indications

  • Students use all necessary equipment components and examination materials of the required examination type and indication

  • Students are able to use checklists to systematically analyse the documentation of the examination results and to write (document) them in such a way that they are useful for reporting in a multi-professional team

  • Students are able to work in different clinical contexts by using multi-professional expertise.


* Skills lab training




- Tempkin B; Sonography Scanning - Principles and Protocols, Elsevier Health Sciences, London, 4th Edition, 2014

- Block B.; Color Atlas of Ultrasound Anatomy, Georg Thieme Verlag, 3rd Edition, 2020

- Banholzer J., Banholzer P.; BASICS Sonographie, Elsevier Urban und Fischer München, 3rd Edition, 2018





Sonography  - FH Campus Wien (2024)


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

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Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.